In this heartwarming Jim Shore scene, Dumbo is festively dressed in a...
In this enchanting Jim Shore design, Tinker Bell stands atop a vibrant...
This delightful Jim Shore Christmas scene captures Mickey and Minnie...
In this enchanting Jim Shore Christmas scene, Mickey Mouse dons a...
In this beautiful Jim Shore design, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider share a...
Celebrate the 55th anniversary of The Aristocats in 2025 with this...
Celebrating the 85th anniversary of Fantasia in 2025, this Jim Shore...
This exquisite Jim Shore deluxe princess bust showcases Mulan in her...
Winter Wonderland Collection; Bright...
Dead or alive, you're no match for Michonne! The Walking Dead heroine is now the first in a series of Gallery Dioramas based on the original comic book! Wearing her distinctive jacket and pink skirt, while brandishing her trademark sword, Michonne stands over a sliced walker head in this approximately 10" PVC sculpture. Featuring detailed sculpting and...
The 1/6 Maggie Rhee collectible figure stands approximately 11.1" (~28.3cm) tall with a fully-articulated body, mixed-medium materials, signature weathered clothing, and highly-detailed sculpt featuring realistic likeness of Maggie Rhee as portrayed by the talented Lauren Cohan in "The Walking Dead" television series.
The 1/6 Carol Peletier collectible figure stands approximately 11" (~28 cm) tall with a fully-articulated body, mixed-medium materials, signature weathering paint application, and highly-detailed sculpt featuring realistic likeness of Carol Peletier as portrayed by talented Melissa McBride in "The Walking Dead" television series.