In this delightful Jim Shore scene, Winnie the Pooh sports intricate...
Celebrate the season with Jim Shore's enchanting Christmas sleigh ride...
In this heartwarming Jim Shore scene, Dumbo is festively dressed in a...
In this enchanting Jim Shore design, Tinker Bell stands atop a vibrant...
This delightful Jim Shore Christmas scene captures Mickey and Minnie...
In this enchanting Jim Shore Christmas scene, Mickey Mouse dons a...
In this beautiful Jim Shore design, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider share a...
Celebrate the 55th anniversary of The Aristocats in 2025 with this...
Een van de grootste merken met de meest bijzondere producten van jouw favoriete film of serie is The Noble Collection. Met collecties van bijvoorbeeld Fantastic Beasts, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Jurassic Park, Superman, Batman en Game Of Thrones zijn zij voorloper op het gebied van unieke collectors items. Sieraden, maskers, s...
Een van de grootste merken met de meest bijzondere producten van jouw favoriete film of serie is The Noble Collection. Met collecties van bijvoorbeeld Fantastic Beasts, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Jurassic Park, Superman, Batman en Game Of Thrones zijn zij voorloper op het gebied van unieke collectors items. Sieraden, maskers, stenen, maar ook de mooiste houders voor jouw Harry Potter Wands zijn te verkrijgen in het grote assortiment van The Noble Collection!
This hand painted wand, as seen in the Harry Potter films, is an authentic replica of the screen-used model. It ships with the matching name clip in beautiful collector´s box.
The top of Gandalf the Grey´s staff is recreated in cold cast porcelain as a beautiful candle votive holder. Measures approximately 9 inches in height.
This wand is an authentic recreation of the Wand used in the Harry Potter Movies. Hand painted in fine detail. Comes with collector box and name clip.
This wand is an authentic recreation of the Wand used in the Harry Potter Movies. Hand painted in fine detail. Comes with collector box and name clip.
The Noble Collection is pleased to continue to be a part of Universal City Studios' 40th-anniversary celebrations of Steven Spielberg's 1982 enduring classic SF movie, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", with the release of three highly detailed plush E.T.'s.This beautifully crafted plush replica of the little Extra-Terrestrial all dressed up. It measures...
A simple touch lights up this lovable E.T. plush. It features eight phrases. Press the chest button to activate the glowing chest and the hand button to activate the glowing fingertip. Measures approximately 14 inches/35.5 cms in heightBatteries included (3x AG13 / LR44)
The Noble Collection is pleased to continue to be a part of Universal City Studios' 40th-anniversary celebrations of Steven Spielberg's 1982 enduring classic SF movie, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", with the release of the E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Bookmark Set.
A hand-painted plastic diorama of a Raptor egg. The birth of a baby Raptor.
A hand-painted plastic diorama of a Blue. Blue on the hunt.
Narcissa's wand offered as a pen with a bookmark.
Based on your favourite wands from the Harry Potter series and Fantastic Beast and Where To Find Them. They measure between 15.5 - 16.5 cms. It is accompanied with a photographic bookmark of the wand wielder.