This delightful Jim Shore Christmas scene captures Mickey and Minnie...
In this enchanting Jim Shore Christmas scene, Mickey Mouse dons a...
In this beautiful Jim Shore design, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider share a...
Celebrate the 55th anniversary of The Aristocats in 2025 with this...
Celebrating the 85th anniversary of Fantasia in 2025, this Jim Shore...
This exquisite Jim Shore deluxe princess bust showcases Mulan in her...
Pre Order - Jim Shore Harry Potter - The Journey Begins (Harry Potter...
Pre Order - Jim Shore Harry Potter - Guardian In The Sky (Hagrid On...
As a clothed action figure, Herbert stands 20cm tall and is dressed in his lab coat. He comes with a bottle of reanimation reagent, syringe, bloody shovel, Rufus the cat, and a tray containing the severed head of the last guy who tried to steal his invention. Resealable clamshell packaging.