In this heartwarming Jim Shore scene, Dumbo is festively dressed in a...
In this enchanting Jim Shore design, Tinker Bell stands atop a vibrant...
This delightful Jim Shore Christmas scene captures Mickey and Minnie...
In this enchanting Jim Shore Christmas scene, Mickey Mouse dons a...
In this beautiful Jim Shore design, Rapunzel and Flynn Rider share a...
Celebrate the 55th anniversary of The Aristocats in 2025 with this...
Celebrating the 85th anniversary of Fantasia in 2025, this Jim Shore...
This exquisite Jim Shore deluxe princess bust showcases Mulan in her...
Individually packed, high-quality...
- High quality doormat - Officially licensed- Measurements: 40 x 60 cm
Star Wars Yoda Welcome - Slim Doormat60cm x 30cm
A Nightmare On Elm Street Welcome Nightmare - Doormat60cm x 40cm
- High quality doormat - Officially licensed- Measurements: 40 x 60 cm
Let Wednesday give you a hand with the 'Give Me a Hand' coconut fiber doormat 60x40 cm. Featuring a captivating print of Wednesday and one hand, this doormat is perfect for fans who love the intriguing and enigmatic side of the character.
Looking for something really unique? Our 60x40 cm Coffin doormat, made of coconut fiber, features Wednesday sleeping in a coffin. This doormat will add a ghoulish and gothic touch to your entrance, capturing the essence of the series.
Thuiskomen wordt pas echt een feest met deze vrolijke deurmat van Stitch!60cm x 40cm
Sonic The Hedgehog Knock And Run - Doormat60cm x 40cm
Disney Mickey Mouse 100th Anniversary Doormat
Stylised character artwork Raised border Rubber backing Durable H46 x W76cm approx. Made from polyester and rubber Clean with vacuum, shake or sweep Wash with garden hose